Update 0.5.0 changelog
3 min readJul 15, 2024
Adventurers, we are excited to announce the release of version 0.5.0 of our game! Here’s what’s new and improved:
- Ability to place artifacts on your Home Island
- Ability to craft collectible items
- Exit animations for abilities have been tuned and are now faster
- Cooldowns for aspects no longer reset when an item is unequipped and re-equipped
- Equipping armor with an HP regeneration aspect now starts a cooldown timer before the aspect can activate
- Active buffs from aspects are removed when the item is unequipped
- Fixed a bug where the HP regeneration aspect on armor could activate multiple times simultaneously
- Low HP effect now displays on the edges of the screen
- Increased stun duration for club and shield bash attacks
- Items repaired after durability reaches 0 now function without needing to be unequipped and re-equipped
- Fixed stamina display issues
- New mob: Treant, with updated visuals
- New mob: Gnolls. Bandits have been replaced with gnolls as originally intended
- Fixed a bug where mobs could still attack while airborne
- Adjusted attack colliders for mobs to match weapon size (previously too large)
- Weapon attacks now deal damage more accurately according to animations
- Flight duration for airborne mobs has been tuned for smoother landings
- Mobs that evade for a certain time now teleport back to their respawn point
- Added flinches during status effects
- Flinch animations now play more reliably
- Garden: Improved plant harvesting mechanics
- Garden: Fixed a bug where the planting counter was obscured
- Chest window closes when opening the building menu
- Added 3 new adventures
- Significantly improved visuals for all existing adventures, with new variations
- New island mechanic: Mushroom trampolines, allowing players to reach previously inaccessible areas
- Adjusted speed of spirit cats
- Changed effect when stepping on plates
- Adjusted health levels for resource nodes across all tiers
- Introduced premium currency: Gems
- New attribute for collectible items: Luck charge
- Reordered positions in vendor and crafting interfaces
- Updated NFT item icons
- Changed the cave entrance icon
- Revamped parameter lists in crafting stations
- Enhanced cave visuals
- Updated visuals for ruins