WorldShards AMA Recap #7 (October 2024)

19 min readNov 4, 2024


We were glad to welcome all adventurers to our AMA! As you know, each such meeting is the end of the last update and the beginning of something new, even more global and amazing. Make tea and make yourself comfortable, because now we will tell you about all the most interesting moments.

What’s related to the token? Will the token be listed?

We are bound by non-disclosure agreements with our partners and exchanges that we are in talks with. So, the listing date, as well as listing partners, will be announced very shortly before the listing itself. Unfortunately, we cannot disclose this information now, as it would be a violation of our agreements with the exchanges. However, we have activities planned with many of them before the listing, such as marketing and promotion of the game. So, as we get closer to the listing event, you’ll have an idea of the listing partners involved.

How will the burn work?

We will soon update the Wiki with a detailed description of all the features that are being rolled out, so you can refer to it whenever something is unclear. Regarding the token, we have a vesting schedule for the in-game reward pool that defines how many tokens can be in circulation. On a macro level, our tokenomics are similar to those of Big Time. We ensure that at any given point in time, the maximum amount of tokens that can be in circulation is limited. Tokens spent in the game are returned to the in-game rewards pool and can be re-received by players playing the game. This is the core concept. As the player base and number of token holders grow, the circulating supply remains limited, making the token more scarce and harder to obtain.

Do we use tokens to craft or upgrade?

Yes, tokens will be used to craft and upgrade collectible items. They’re used not only for crafting but also to increase the “luck level” parameter. When you upgrade an item’s level, you must also upgrade the luck parameter to match the item level. Upgrading mechanics will also require tokens.

Will there be a token fee for entering islands to farm said token?

No, there isn’t a token fee for entering islands. Instead, token fees are used elsewhere, specifically for charging and upgrading collectible items. To enter Wild Islands, you only need gold and runes, and it’s as simple as that.

Will we be able to trade tokens in an in-game auction?

No, the Auction House is specifically dedicated to in-game currency, like copper, silver, and gold, which you get while on adventures.

Will there be a daily limit when it comes to farming tokens, either altogether or individually?

Yes and no. As we mentioned, there is a limited supply of tokens overall. However, we’re not going to limit the amount you can farm in a day. You’re free to farm as much as you can within the overall token supply.

Will there be additional use cases for islands of higher rarity?

Our goal is not to create a passive playstyle. Instead, we want you to actively go in, pay the entrance fee, and engage with the game to get resources. Passive income from islands is not a feature we’re currently pursuing. So, while the rarities of the islands play a significant role in the economy, you will still need to visit these wild islands and actively play.

Will Adventure Islands drop tokens, similar to the broken hourglasses in Big Time? If they do, will I need to use an artifact to break them down?

No, we don’t have broken hourglasses like in Big Time. We believe they don’t align with the overall logic of WorldShards’ economy, which is centered around active player participation. As we just mentioned, we want you to engage with the game directly. Some features in development may allow active players who are not engaged in the collectible economy to get involved more easily. However, I can’t share specific details yet, and this feature will likely become available after the economy launch.

Will the chance to craft a higher-rarity item from crafting remain even after the update?

Yes, the chance to craft a higher-rarity item will remain. This feature was introduced with the crafting system and gives players a slight chance to craft an item of a slightly higher rarity than intended if they’re lucky.

During the initial phases, will the gem expenditure be significant, or will it be relatively low-cost to recharge NFTs?

The first phase, called the “Trial Coin Run Event” will start soon after the update, though not exactly on the same date as the update. We have another LiveOps event planned to start at the same time as the update with the wipe. The Trial Coin Run will begin a bit later. We’ll post a detailed description of the rules and rewards you can expect. In this phase, gem spending will differ from the live economy, as it’s more of a preparation for the economy launch.

Will NFT equipment, such as weapons, armor, or tools, drop in-game from resource collection or enemy kills after the economy launch? Will Wild Islands also drop decorations, or only collectible equipment?

The simple answer is no; this isn’t part of our design philosophy. Collectible equipment is crafted by players and can only be crafted or purchased from other players through Open Loot. This approach is intentional, as we want to create an engaging economy for players.

Will merging collectibles to upgrade to a higher rarity be included in the update, or will it only involve token drops and collectible item charging? Will equipment synthesis be enabled in the second stage of the economy launch or in this update?

Yes, merging of collectibles will be available starting from Phase 2 of the economy launch. There may be a gap between Phase 2 and the final economy launch. During this gap, upgrades will be enabled, although token activation and farming might be temporarily unavailable. We understand the importance of upgrading rarity as a mechanic, and we’ll be focusing on it. We want to ensure the basic systems work correctly first, but we recognize its significance and will be working on it.

Regarding the interaction between Adventure Points and luck in WorldShards, if Adventure Points are essential for collecting tokens, how does the number of points spent affect the success rate? Is there synergy between spending more Adventure Points and the luck or luck charge of an equipped collectible item?

Adventure Points are now referred to as “Luck Charges.” Depending on the island size, you’ll use a specific amount of luck charge, and based on the total luck of your items, you’ll increase your token drop chance.

Will islands drop anything besides tokens and collectibles?

Yes, you’ll be able to collect a special resource called “Ancient Rifts,” which is used to upgrade collectible items.

Will there be different rarities in shards, or just one?

Shards are now referred to as “Ancient Rifts.” You’ll find unprocessed Rifts that you can process multiple times to get the type and quality of Rifts needed for upgrading specific item rarities. The availability of the reprocessing recipe depends on the rarity of the artifact linked to the crafting station. To access these recipes, a minimum artifact rarity is required, which highlights the importance of artifact rarity.

Will each gear type (armor, tools, weapons) have its own shard version, meaning specific Rifts for each type?

Yes, different types of Rifts exist for various equipment types. This allows players more control over the items they’re preparing for, similar to processing resources.

Will Merchant Furrina provide more daily gold to players who complete subsequent levels (2, 3, etc.), or will this be reworked when the Reputation system is finalized? Will there be changes to the gold system? Will repairs, consumables, and island entry still cost gold, and will the daily gold limit remain?

We’re exploring options for increasing the gold limit, but no final decisions have been made yet. The gold limit exists for several reasons, one of which is to create a balanced daily session length for players. If we wanted to allow 24/7 play, we wouldn’t implement this feature. So in some form, the gold limit will continue to limit session length. There may be ways to occasionally increase the gold limit, but it’s a core mechanic likely to remain. We’re always monitoring analytics and reviewing statistics to find the most promising and balanced design for the game as a whole.

Will hierarchies above Legendary (such as Mythic) only be available during upgrading events?

Higher rarities will become available starting with the introduction of the rarity upgrade mechanic. At that point, it will be possible to upgrade artifact rarities and other items, as you mentioned. However, this mechanic won’t be available until later in the economy launch. Once it becomes relevant, we will indeed unlock rarities above Legendary.

Will there be different islands to explore where token drops will be enabled?

Yes. Players will be able to decide when to activate token drops through collectible items using the “Activate Attraction Force” feature. You’ll see this option in the travel menu. By activating it, you can then go and farm tokens. When entering an adventure, you’ll be given the choice to enable token drops or not.

Will these islands require a gem fee to enter?

No, there won’t be a gem fee. The cost will remain limited to runes and basic in-game currency like gold. However, to obtain tokens from drops, you will need to charge NFT items, and using gems can speed up this charging process.

Will gold limits restrict playtime on these islands, or will it drop from current islands?

Yes, gold will limit how many adventures you can undertake. Gold and runes will still be used to enter Wild Islands, regardless of whether you choose to activate “Attraction Force” for token drops.

Is our luck rate important upon entry, or does it matter during resource farming and enemy kills?

The items equipped at the time of entering an island will have their charges debited. As long as these items remain equipped, both the Luck and “Attraction Force” will remain active. If any of these items are unequipped — whether due to being manually removed or because they break and require repair — the token drop rate will decrease if only one item is removed or stop entirely if no activated, charged items are left equipped. This ensures consistency and prevents a complex mix of variable outcomes. The items you enter the adventure with should remain equipped for token drops to stay enabled.

Can I charge a level 4, tier 2 NFT on my level 1, tier 0 bench? As our NFT levels increase, will charging costs also rise?

No, you’ll need a crafting station of the same or higher level and tier to charge a collectible item. The cost of charging does not depend on the item’s level or tier.

Will new players need an access key or Founder Island to play the full version of the game after the economy launch, or will they still require these items?

Currently, an access key or a Founder Island is required to enter the game, and this requirement will remain for the foreseeable future. Even after the economy launch, access won’t be free for all. Down the line, there could be a free-to-play version, but this remains uncertain.

When will we be able to change the extra stats and aspects on our equipment? Can equipment stats and aspects be reset by spending tokens or gems?

This feature will be introduced after the economy launch. Real net attributes will be available across all rarities, allowing players to modify items that don’t fully align with their gameplay style or other aspects they have.

Will there be other NFT-upgrading features in this phase, or will they come only after the token launch?

Increasing both rarity and Luck levels will be available during Phase 2 of the economy launch. This phase addresses the need to allow players to progress further.

Will the synthesis of Mythic artifacts and equipment begin in the next test? Will Mythic equipment have additional attributes compared to Legendary?

Yes, you’ll be able to increase item rarity in Phase 2 and beyond the economy launch. New artifacts and item rarities will be introduced as the economy launch continues. Equipment rarities can be split into two groups: Legendary and below, and Mythic and above. Game attributes like increased damage, health, and aspects will increase up to Legendary rarity. Beyond that, improvements will be limited to web3-related stats, such as luck, to maintain in-game balance. Items starting from Mythic rarity will not gain additional in-game power.

The current artifacts seem limited. Will a second set be introduced soon, and will it come before Phase Two?

The question combines two topics. The second set of artifacts is planned for future updates and new content. The first set of artifacts, which is still available, hasn’t yet reached its maximum capacity in terms of available items. For the near future, only Set One artifacts will be released through different means, including sales.

Will there be new artifacts for weapons, armor, pickaxes, and skins, or will the current artifacts continue to be used?

Yes, the same artifacts already on the market will be used for collectible crafting for the foreseeable future. As the user base grows, new artifacts may be made available from time to time. Keep an eye on the news feed and LiveOps events for announcements on future opportunities to acquire artifacts through competitions and prizes.

Will there be more artifact slots or additional islands attached to the main one?

Currently, there are no plans to increase the number of artifact slots. For now, the answer is no.

Artifacts are labeled with Set One or Set Two. Will Set Two become available later, and will there be another sale?

Yes, Set Two will be introduced when the demand for Active Farms increases, likely once Set One’s market is close to being depleted. However, Set Two won’t appear in the near future.

The Wiki mentions needing an artifact of any rarity. Will higher rarities offer advantages, such as charging with greater efficiency?

Yes, artifact rarity does affect luck charge and token drop efficiency. For example, charging an epic item with a common artifact yields less luck charge than if you used an epic artifact. Higher-rarity artifacts allow for more efficient NFT charging and fully unlock token drop potential in collectibles. Additionally, artifact rarity impacts the level of collectible items that can be upgraded.

Will OG (Founder) gear offer any advantages over crafted gear in the economy? For example, will a Legendary OG item compare equally to a crafted Legendary item?

Yes, Founder gear does have advantages. Upgrading gear takes time and resources, and starting with a Legendary item offers a shortcut. If you own multiple Legendary items, you can use one while the other recharges. Legendary Founder items allow you to bypass certain crafting requirements, making them particularly valuable when upgrades require multiple items of the same rarity. These benefits will become clearer when the token collection mechanics go live in the upcoming “Trial Coin Run Event”. Updated Wiki will further clarify these mechanics and processes.

Will WorldShards implement token burning and collectible burning to control supply and increase the value of in-game assets? Can you give examples of burning activities?

“Burning” usually refers to permanently removing tokens to control inflation in systems with unlimited supply. However, WorldShards has a limited token supply, capped at 5 billion, so there’s no need for traditional burning. Tokens spent in the game are effectively removed from circulation, which keeps the economy stable as the user base grows. The maximum supply limit ensures a balanced economy, and detailed information on the economic structure will be shared soon in an updated economy wiki.

Why hasn’t the WorldShards team updated the game Wiki? What steps will the team take to improve project presentation?

Development has outpaced Wiki updates, despite efforts from mods and community managers. We are actively working on refreshing the Wiki with new assets, instructions, and clear directions to improve accessibility. Expect significant updates in the coming weeks.

What measures will the team take to prevent multi-account abuse and Ethereum network transfers from undermining the Open Loot market? How will these actions avoid affecting the value of other players’ collectibles?

Such actions are prohibited by Open Loot. Abusers are monitored, reported, and banned, especially those exploiting in-game events. Withdrawals outside the ecosystem are part of the web3 model, but imbalances from transfers will be addressed as needed. We monitor accounts carefully, and our robust tracking and reporting system ensures security for all players.

How does the WorldShards team plan to address the negative perception caused by the unsold status of the last three pre-sale boxes, the disparity in their value, and the uncertainty generated by these changes?

To begin with, the question lacks some reasoning and specific details to support its statements, as it’s unclear what is meant by “disparity.” The reference to a “negative perception” is also subjective and might not necessarily be true. One way to measure perception is through market prices, and we haven’t observed negative sentiment there. On the contrary, the user base is growing, and we’re finding a balance in this active growth phase.

We are constantly working to align events, including sales, not just with our current status but also with our future direction. We believe we’re handling this effectively and successfully while expanding our reach. In some areas, we’re planning several steps ahead to ensure no major fluctuations in aspects like game stability, user base, or pricing. So, we hope that clarifies things. However, if you have more specific reasoning, we’d appreciate it if you could be more detailed in your question.

Who is eligible for the Adventure Board airdrop, and how will tokens be distributed? What content or tokens will be included, and how can players maximize their benefits from this distribution?

Many of you are already familiar with the Adventure Board. Recently, we introduced quests related to in-game activities. You can also help spread the word about the game and get Adventure Board points. To maximize these points, engage with our social media posts and complete the available tasks. It’s that simple. Additionally, referrals can significantly boost your points.

Regarding the airdrop, all distributions will occur close to or simultaneously with the TGE (Token Generation Event). After phase two, the rules for point conversion will be published. There will be several conversion options, including tokens and gems, and we plan to add more utility for these points. Some options will allow you to spend points on new content. You may recall that points have been used for whitelist access, and we’re exploring new ways to leverage them.

Can you provide more details about the Trial Coin Run event? How will it work, and what rewards will be available?

First, this event will be called WorldShards Trials. The WorldShards Trials have been in development for quite some time. Essentially, it’s a leaderboard event. Players will be divided into leagues based on their gear, and you’ll compete for rewards by doing what you love most: taking down enemies.

By defeating enemies like orcs, gnolls, and others, clearing islands, selling items, and getting Trial Coins, players can participate in a raffle (league-based) or win guaranteed rewards if you place in the top three of your league. More information on prizes and timelines will be shared soon, likely next week. If combat isn’t your thing and you prefer building or treasure hunting, we’ll have events for those gameplay styles too. During phase one of the economy, there will be events for each play style. Trial Coins will follow the same rules as token rewards, meaning they won’t only drop from enemies but also from resource veins, trees, and other loot sources.

How will you address challenges in multiplayer, especially regarding coordination and collaboration? Are there features to improve real-time communication and interaction during gameplay?

We’re aware of the systems needed to enhance the multiplayer experience, including voice chat, drop-in and drop-out lobbies, and so on. Our server and client developers are working tirelessly to bring our vision to life. We’re excited to make multiplayer a reality and enable you all to play together. However, it will take some time to fully develop this feature, so bear with us — it will come after the economy launch.

Is the current luck on collectible items (e.g., Legendary items with one luck) the maximum, or are these starting points that can be improved based on level and tier?

There are two separate mechanics here. Increasing an item’s level and tier boosts its in-game parameters, including its luck level. This feature will be available with phase 2 of the economy launch. Raising an item’s luck level will increase its luck value, meaning that current items are set at luck level one, and future updates will allow further progression.

We understand that luck charge depends on item rarity and the artifact used in charging. Could you explain how luck charge impacts the use of Adventure Points and the efficiency of token collection? Does a high-luck item use fewer Adventure Points or simply increase the chance of success?

Luck charge does not affect the use of Adventure Points, which are scaled based on island size. However, the luck charge does influence the chance of token drops. Put simply, a lower luck charge results in fewer tokens dropping.

Is there any furniture limited to special holidays? Is there any chance of a fashion system in the future? By “fashion system,” do you mean a transmogrify system like in World of Warcraft, where you can change the appearance of items?

In the future, we plan to host events for holidays and special occasions. Halloween, perhaps, or other holidays — stay tuned! Right now, our main focus is on core tasks, such as developing the economy and multiplayer features, which take up most of our attention. But here’s a little hint: we’re preparing something for an upcoming holiday, so look out for news. We do have plans to introduce more customization options in the future. We understand the importance of self-expression, so while we don’t have specifics to share yet, it’s definitely something on our roadmap.

Will there be pets and mounts?

As for pets, we have a feature called “animal husbandry” in the works, which will allow players to interact with and benefit from livestock. However, this is a long-term goal, so it’s quite far off. When I say something is planned “in the future,” that usually means it’s feasible soon, but in this case, this feature is still quite a ways ahead of us.

Can you share more details about the new biome? When will it be available? Will it be part of stage 3 of the economy? And when is the Winter Biome officially launching?

We’re thrilled to announce that the new Winter Biome will be launched with update 0.5.5 — which is essentially the next update. Winter has arrived a bit early this year! Our art team has done an incredible job bringing it to life. As a sneak peek, we’re already working on another new biome, though we’re not ready to reveal details just yet. At first, the Winter Biome will contain the existing resources, but in the future, we plan to introduce unique resources specific to each biome as we deepen the gameplay.

Will tokens be locked for 10 days, similar to Big Time?

The question of token lock duration will be addressed in phase 3. While we don’t have exact details right now, rest assured we’ll provide clear information when the time comes. At the moment, our focus is on establishing the right partnerships for the economy launch. Specifics like this will be finalized as we get closer to the token launch, so stay tuned for updates.

How will the system for earning social points, which can be exchanged for open loot tokens, be integrated in WorldShards? Will these tokens be earnable in the game or only through certain events?

Our community seems to be confusing WorldShards social points with other platforms. WorldShards social points are distinct from Open Loot reputation points and tokens. Our social points will be convertible to our own tokens, gems, and other in-game resources. The WorldShards social program is designed to reward active community members with benefits within our game. If you’re looking for rewards with Open Loot or other platforms, you should engage with the activities they announce.

In Big Time, there are various restrictions, like withdrawal time limits and fees, for NFT items and tokens. Will WorldShards implement similar restrictions?

We don’t currently plan to replicate Big Time’s restrictions. We would only consider adding limitations or fees if they benefit the game’s ecosystem and prevent exploitation or malicious behavior. As of today, we don’t plan to mirror any rules from Big Time, as their reasons may not be relevant to us. If you have specific concerns, please feel free to clarify, and we’ll do our best to address them.

Are you considering integrating AI to enhance the gameplay experience in WorldShards? Will AI play a role in the game’s economy or in adapting challenges based on players’ styles?

We’re actively observing other projects and keeping an eye on AI developments. We’re as excited about AI’s potential as you are. When used thoughtfully, AI can save time and enhance projects in incredible ways. That said, while we’re carefully considering AI’s potential for WorldShards, we’re not going to jump into it just because it’s exciting. We want to see tangible benefits first.

How do you plan to enhance the diversity of digital assets within WorldShards? Are there plans to add unique rewards that reflect culture and community, or to involve the community in designing assets?

Our art team is consistently working to improve the game’s visuals, which, as you know, takes considerable time. It’s challenging to keep a cohesive look while adding new elements, especially if the community is involved. However, that doesn’t mean we’ll never collaborate with the community. In the future, we may involve players in creating NFT decorations, but we want to ensure the game remains visually stunning.

Is it necessary to reset the progression of upgraded NFTs before the wipe?

Yes, a wipe is essential. As we add new systems, like the economy, we have to reset interconnected features to maintain balance. Items and crafting stations, for instance, need to be reset to make room for new updates. So, a wipe is unavoidable.

Will there be another wipe before the full economy launch after the second stage?

Currently, we’re not planning any additional wipes after the economy launch. If anything changes and another wipe becomes necessary, we’ll announce it well in advance. As of now, only one wipe is planned, and we’ll announce the exact date next week.

Will there be rewards for those who bought the key early, not land?

Our game is in the Early Access. We’ve mentioned that before. You should have known it from the jump. And once the Early Access concludes, everyone who supported us during the Early Access will be rewarded, whether you supported us with Buying Island or Welcome Bundle, which is the best way to join WorldShards. Whether you buy a key from the market or in any other way, you will be rewarded for being with us through thick and thin through all the error 500s and error 250s and other stuff that we would like to avoid. So yeah, don’t worry, guys. We’re going to take care of you.

We appreciate your support and questions! Your engagement and feedback mean a lot to us. Stay tuned for more updates and announcements!




Written by WorldShards

Life sim sandbox MMORPG set in the magical world of Murrlandia:

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